I have the blues.....well not really, but I'm starting to get a little aggravated. About a year ago mas o menos my truck was broken into outside of my house..... This happened around mid-morning and basically the only thing of value taken was a handgun that was in my briefcase, ( I had gone to collect deposits from my business the evening before) . Well anyway, I had left out of town that morning, when my brother called me to tell me that he had discovered my truck broken into....I immediately remembered that the handgun had been left in there and told him to check if it was missing....well it was so he called the P.D. to make a report. When the officer arrived my brother let him know what was missing and the officer asked him to describe the gun. Well it turns out that the kid that broke into my truck got arrested at Walgreens, which is less than a block away from my house, so, sigh of relief, they had my gun and the thief in custody. My brother called me to let me know, and told me that the investigator would be in touch with me about the charges against the kid and recovering my property....So that was that....After a few weeks with no word, I called the police dept. and was told that these things take time so, basically, chill...the gun was there, it wasnt going anywhere .....so I was like fine, when you guys get around to it get in touch with me....Anyway months went by, and every once in a while I would think about the gun and I would call and get the same response....Then, I was told that, being that they were in the process of moving to the new station, everything was disorganized, and sorry, try back in a few weeks.....then the guy in charge of property was out for surgery, and we'll look, but sorry call back in a few weeks.....WELL FINALLY, the other day, my buddy asked me if I ever got my gun back, so I figured one more call couldnt hurt, and lo and behold I got to talk to the guy in charge of evidence and property.....Well he said he would look into the situation for me and he sounded like he knew what he was talking about.....Well anyway he got back to me this afternoon, and let me know that somehow, the judge assigned to the case, awarded my gun to the lawyer of the kid as payment for his services............I just about had a coronary.......So now, apparently we have to go to court to get my gun back............I was tempted to just tell them to keep the damn thing, everytime I think about it I get so angry.......But Oh Well, Ive come this far, I guess, so why give up now.......
Added you to my link list. Hope you don't mind. Thanks
The cage needs to be rattled at the EPD administration. That's where it starts.
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