Friday, April 27, 2007

It seems that certain people have some sort of problem with me expressing my opinion. To me, this shows the silliness and cowardice of these couple of anonymous haters. They lash out at my comments with vulgarities and insults, showing the smallness of their minds....If they truly believe what they are saying, than they should state why they think my comment is wrong, instead of flailing about trying to attack me.....By allying themselves with this sort of foolishness, certain public officials, are truly violating the public trust. It is pretty obivious to me that the same one or two people are the ones that post these cowardly attack comments as replies to my those cowards who attack behind a cloak of annonymity, I simply say, Grow Up...No serious minded person takes your trash talk seriously.....Oh and bringing up that I used to work for the parent company of Club Fantasy, WOW BIG NEWS!!!!! My resume is only posted online genius, I am not ashamed of my past.... Working for a multi-million dollar international company is nothing to be ashamed of.....and, I am not running for public office, nor do I work in the public sector.......So anyway, if you really have a serious problem with the stuff I write, let's sit down and talk about it face to face like adults, obviously you know who I am..........

Thursday, April 19, 2007

So it has been a while since my last post.....I've been and continue to be super busy with work and family matters.....Now this week, things have happened that really caught my attention, so I thought that I would compose a quick entry to help gather my thoughts. First and most importantly, I was shocked and saddened with the events at the campus of Virginia Tech University on Monday. What can one think when you see so many young lives filled with potential killed so easily by this one troubled young kid. What was going on in his life, that caused him to perpetrate so horrible a crime, and why was there noone there to recognize the signs he was exhibiting. I was also inspired to learn of the valor and selflessness shown by the students who barricaded themselves in classrooms and in particular of Leviu Lebrescu, the professor who saved his class, by confronting the killer on his own, in order to give his students a chance to escape. It is encouraging to know that there are still people, who when confronted with evil, react with courage and honor. On a totally different note, I am feeling a little old....My little sister, of who I am immensely proud, was granted early acceptance to medical school....they grow up so fast, CONGRATS RAVEN!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!! .....So anyway, those are the things I wanted to discuss, so my friends, till my next post...........o and by the way, some people have complained that my profile picture was a little to dark for their tastes, so....I in the spririt of giving the readers what they want, and cause spring is here, decided to put up something a little more colorful. ENJOY!!! and I will have 8X10 glossies available at the next community event, probably High Steaks in July......Lol.....

